The evidence in support of evolution is overwhelming in its scope and volume
The evidence you refer to that supports evolution is put together with the preconceived idea that evolution is correct.
Here is a little something for you to mull over....
As for the origin of reproduction, John Maddox, the editor emeritus of Nature, writes. "The overriding question is when (and then how) sexual reproduction itself evolved.
Despite decades of speculation, we do not know." Finally, scientist Gerald Schroesder points out that the existence of conditions favorable to life still does not explain how life itself originated. Life was able top survive only because of favorable conditions on our planet. But there is no law of nature that instructs matter to produce end-directed, self-replicating entities.
So how do we account for the origin of life? The Nobel Prize-winning physiologist George Wald once famously argued that "we choose to believe the impossible: That life arose spontaneously by chance." In later years, he concluded that a preexisting mind, which he posits as the matrix of physical reality, composed a physical universe that breeds life.
So....ask yourself this question
How can a universe of mindless matter produce beings with intrinsic ends, self-replication capabilities, and "coded chemistry"?
The only satisfactory explanation for the origin of such "end-directed, self-replicating life as we see on earth is an infinitely intelligent Mind.